reserved headed to Mass March 1st - $$2500

reserved headed to Mass March 1stFor Sale

Information on reserved headed to Mass March 1st

Smaller boy who takes after the Cavalier in facial features.  He can self soothe and would make a fine apartment dog or for someone who did work out of the home.  We do have current  videos of him and his tiny brother showing that although he likes being in your lap he can also take a toy and entertain himself.  I think everyone thinks at first the want a pup like Lover Boy 2.   Please be realistic if you are a family where someone is home all day or most of the day a velcro pup that gives kisses could be your perfect match; but if you do work outside the home an are worried about if the pup can adapt this boy can.  He still is affectionate he has just developed self soothing play with a toy alone skills and to be content.   Should be 20 to 27 pounds full grown.